Timber Gravel Boards
Gravel Boards are used as a protective barrier between your timber fencing system and the ground to prolong the lifespan of your fence by preventing rot and decay.
Quickest Available Delivery: Quickest Available Delivery: 5 Day Delivery
Gravel Boards are used as a protective barrier between your timber fencing system and the ground – this prevents moisture and wet ground conditions from penetrating your wooden panels. In turn, the lifespan of your fence is prolonged with decay and rot being prevented over time.
They are installed between the fence posts so your timber fencing panel will not touch the ground. The boards are installed using cleats – small blocks of wood nailed to your posts with the gravel board nailed onto the face of the cleat.
Our Gravel Boards come pressure treated to UC4 Standard to ensure durability and prevent rot. They are essential when setting up timber fencing along a flowerbed or if your fence line is in a shaded or damp area.
Sizing (W x D x L):
- 22 x 150 x 3000mm
- 22 x 150 x 3600mm
- 22 x 150 x 4200mm
- 22 x 150 x 4800mm
- 47 x 150 x 3600mm
- 47 x 150 x 4800mm
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